FWIW my favorite zone plate/pinhole conversion is an old Kodak folding brownie. Its nice because it was cheap, fits in your pocket, is 6x9 format, has a longish focal length, has a shutter with three speeds plus B and T settings and can take a cable release. Also the catch on the folding bit makes a tripod like stand when the camera is open.

The best bit though is that the little single element glass lens is held in place by a screw in ring at the front of the camera. So if you find some washers the right diameter you can set a pinhole in one, a zone plate in another and swap them around mid roll (or swap in the old lens which has some nice qualities too).

Reading back over this email it sounds like I am in love with this camera ;) I think Ill have to use it on pinhole day.


I've been using a converted Lubitel camera for my studio based zone
plate work.  I like the camera, but its layout is causing me some
trouble.  It's great having a viewing lens, but the placement of the
viewfinder on top is inconvenient given my lighting set-ups.  I often
find myself check to jowl with a blazing quartz light.  Also, having to
unscrew the camera from the tripod every time I need to change film is

I'm looking for another cheap medium format camera to convert to zone
plate -- preferably one with a rangefinder style viewfinder on  the
back.  I've heard that the Agfa Sporti is a possible candidate.  Does
anyone know what the focal  length of this camera is?  Any other cameras
come to mind?  Thanks.

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