----- Original Message -----
From: R Duarte <ra...@rahji.com>

>candid images of people.

For fun you should check out this odd site I heard of last week.
http://www.pinholespy.com/  It's a little strange, but interesting.

There have been a number of well known photographers who have done sneeky
pictures like that.  (My favorite Harry Callahan to name one)  The dillemma
as always with these kinds of things is the moral one.  I know legally
people in public can be photographed legally.  But I would feel paranoid
doing it secretly.  Too much stress.  Kind of like stealing a grape at the
fruit stand, it doen't really matter, but it stresses me out because of the
minute possibility of being caught.  And I guess my voyeristic tendencies
are quite small.


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