on 7/1/02 10:02 pm, Chris at chri...@worldnet.att.net wrote:

> Just developed my first pinhole photographs today.  Built a 5x7 foam core
> camera and used containers in the bathtub to develop.  I have a question on
> multigrade filters:  are the filters used to adjust contrast the set I see
> at B&H that are magenta in color?  They cost $20 for a complete set of 3.5"
> filters.  Can I use them when making positves as well as negatives?  I'm
> using Ilford paper for negatives.  Thanks.
> Chris

The effect of the filters is the same as when using them within your enlarger. 
The lesser numbers may be helpful when the contrast of the scene is great. 
OTOH, if the contrast range of the scene is not great, you will end up with a
muddy mess, so run some tests.

You can make positives by contact printing your negatives.

Cheers -


Handmade Photographic Images

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