Thanks Mike.  I am looking at a 95A and a 95B.  Can you recomend these

> Ray Esposito wrote:
> >Which Polaroid makes for the best or easiest pinhole conversion?
> >Ray
> >
> That depends on what type of pinhole camera you want to make from it.
> If you will be satisfied with a "normal lens" focal length, the
> non-folding models such as the "Super Shooter" are VERY easy to
> convert.  (Avoid the "Square Shooter" which looks the same but
> for which the film has not been mase for a number of years...)
> If you want an extreme wide angle, then the folding (bellows)
> models are the best (100 series, 200 series, 300 series, etc.).
> Excellent information on the whole range of Polaroid cameras
> over the years can be found on "The Land List" (for which I
> think the url is but a search engine should be
> able to find it by name if I remembered the url wrong.  Of
> particular use to pinholers is mention of which of the folding
> models had tripod mounts.)
> I relize that 6 or 8 months ago I promised to give some
> detailed conversion instructions here and I have not done
> so.  I really will try to get that done in the next couple of weeks!
> Mike Vande Bunt
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