--- "Gordon J. Holtslander" <hol...@duke.usask.ca> wrote:
> Hi:
> I am looking for an inexpensive film large format film to use with some
> large pinhole cameras.  I initially contacted freestyle in LA, about their
> inexpensive ortho film, but the shipping and brokerage costs to
> canada make this a more expensive proposition.
> A friend of mine has found a local supply of Kodak CGP film.  We can get a
> whole bunch of film at a cheap rate, but we must buy $200.00 worth.  Works
> out to a few cents per 8x10.
> I want to know if anyone has used this successfully.  We plan on using
> dilute dektol or Dave Soemarko's LC1 low contrast developer to make
> "normal continuous tone" negatives with this ortho film.

It's too bad that the Ortho film is too expensive to ship.  I have used it with
dilute Dektol and it works just fine - a considerably better alternative then

I do have a few boxes of Kodak EL film in the 10X12 size that I'd be willing to
part with on the cheap.  How much do I know about this film?  Very close to
zero.  It was one of those things that I got a "real good deal" on quite some
time back and it has been sitting in the freezer ever since.  It was my plan to
test it out with pinhole, but other things have gotten in the way.  Information
about the film can be found here:

If you would like to consider this then please let me know offline.

Cheers -


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