The following was published in the Bloomington Photography Clubs newletter.
I know that I'm a member, but I did'nt even ask them to write this. BTW-I'm
known as the pinhole nut by most of the club.

As of late Monday evening , April 30, the site of the
First Worldwide Pin-hole Photography Day had 66 images posted on it. These
66 pinhole photographers were from 19 countries from Hong Kong & Japan in
the east to the Americas in the west. Thirty-five entries were from the
United States. A variety of good photography, mostly B&W, but some color.
The site is easy to navigate and loaded with pinhole info, like Pringle
tubes seem to be the camera body of choice in New Zealand. Don¹t miss James
Kellar¹s ³Death on Lake Lemon.² Great shot, James! While it probably won¹t
make the cover of Field and Stream, X-Files may want to weave an episode
around it.


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