My undergraduate major was printmaking, specifically lithography. My
professor once told me that it doesn't matter what you do or how hard the
process's the end result that people see.
Well, that's true cause all we see of each other are the postings/jpegs, the
websites, the Worldwide Pinhole Photography photographs that are starting to
arrive. I love those and revel in the beauty, the quality and the creativity
that is manifest on the paper or computer screen. But I love just as much
the smell of my old Speed Graphic, the bumps and pokes of my balsa wood
pinhole camera, the smooth texture of the Zero2000, the smell of the
chemistry in the darkroom and the joyous wonder of the latent image that
slowly comes into being in the tray of developer.
There is no VERSUS here...the entire front to back experience is awesome.
That's why I love this group, too.

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