Hi Stephen,

On Wednesday, February 21, 2001, you wrote:

> Great Stuff! 

> I was wondering if the extreme hi contrast look was acheived through film
> stock selection, printing or IR film. Also, I' new to pinholing and thought
> read somewhnere that one encounters no wide angle distortion due to lack of
> lens, but I see some in "Silo" whioch actually enhances the picture. Guess
> my "info" about this is wrong.

Hey, thanks for the compliment.  IIRC, these were photographed on
kodak paper, poly contrast II RC, 5x8, ~3.5" FL, with a flat film
plane. Normal processing (as normal as I could get in my bathroom).
>From what I gather, the high contrast is typical w/ paper negs. I
think some of the IR-like quality comes from kind of blown-out
highlights, and in the tree picture, movement in the upper branches.

I think when they say there is no distortion in pinhole, they're
talking about linear distortion (I hope someone can elaborate).  In a
flat-plane camera, the corners/edges of the film are further from the
pinhole than the center of the film, so you have longer focal length
in the corners/edges.  The wider the angle of the camera, the more
this effect.

Scott Sellers

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