In a message dated 2/14/01 4:03:43 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Anyone had much experience using Santa Barbar pinhole cameras?
 Care to post your opinion of them?
 I have been a happy user of the 1.5 and 6 inch Leonardo 4x5
 cameras.  I was thinking of getting a camera of around 3 inches
 focal length...
I have both the 2.5, and 3 inch focal length pinhole cameras from  Santa 
Barbara Pinhole Camera Company, which allow 4X5 film holders and Polaroid fim 
holders to be used...... and enjoy them immensely, they are simple in 
construction, (arent most pinholes<g> ? . ) but what holds the film holders 
in place, is 2 wooden dowels, that insert behind the film holder, in an ever 
narrowing slot which keeps the holders compressed against the body, I suppose 
if one or both dowels should break, or be lost, or need replacement, it would 
be a simple matter to construct another ... The only downside I can see with 
them is, they are kinda bulky, but not so much  for me to complain about 
it... the working aperature for the wide angle Santa Barbaras is about F/177, 
as I recall, ...... Freestyle Camera in LA carries them, but you can also 
locate Santa Barbara on web, and talk with someone at the company, which is 
what I did before purchasing.On the web , they go by 
http://www.LenselessCamera .com , I think . If this is not correct , email me 
off list , and i can give you more specs, 

I must say , although I own and use Santa Barbara /Lensless Cameras, ........ 
I recently purchased a  Zero Image Multi Format  pinhole from Zernike Au in 
Hong Kong, and it  quickly became my Number One camera of choice for pinhole 
work , it is much more compact,  uses 120 films, and I carry it around in an 
oversized pocket in my shirt, cant get more convenient than that, can you ? 
.. If this seems I am plugging Zernikes cameras, so be it, they are a good 
product, simply said.  

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