James Romeo, James Romeo , wherefore art thou... ?
With 50 yrs of photo experiences under your belt, I for one, would be glad to 
hear what you have to say....... and from the looks of replies, am betting it 
is unanimous. 

It is all too easy to respond in an irritating manner , unfortunately , all 
we have are the words  to go by for most of us,and not able to see body 
language or have other pertinent facts at our disposal,  and do not know if 
the sender or the recipient for that matter, is having a crummy day, 
etc......  I too have been tempted at times on other lists to " flame ", but 
decided not to, if I " think " the info is not going to be important to me, I 
simply delete, and hope I have not missed much.... on occasion I have, but so 
be it. 

For what its worth to all of you on this list, I want you to know that I for 
one,  have learned a lot from most , if not all of you, and want to say 
thanks for being out there..... 


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