Hi Vincent,

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 17:32, Vincent Tschanz <bluekar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm playing with the rendering profiles ( in /data/rendrepresets) and
> creating new one.
> I have some questions :
> - Is it possible in the presets .json files to includes parameters for
> the encoders? If yes how?
> - If it is possible, where can I find a list of the gstreamer encoders
> parameters ?

If you create a new rendering profile and make changes to the encoder
settings and save the rendering profile, you should see the changes in a new
file in the renderpresets folder.


- In order to create a DV preset, i'm looking for a PCM encoder (signed
> 16bit little endian), I've done some search with gst-inspect, but I only
> found the wavenc who should suit if I can specify parameters.
> Thank for your help
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