On 06/10/2016 12:29, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
The patch I provided makes it considerably easier for other users in our
position to get pixman to build correctly, by making it clearer what's
going on when reading "config.h" in order to make appropriate edits.

Just a side note. We still can't make any guarantees about using
the pixman build system in a non-intended way.

Understood. :-) I saw this as a good opportunity to help us with our non-supported hackery _and_ make pixman's official build system "more correct"!

Do you have any specific objections to merging it?

I'm fine with fixing this. But would prefer to get rid of the
AH_VERBATIM stuff and just directly add the

    #ifndef HAVE_SQRTF
    #define sqrtf sqrt

chunk into the pixman-compiler.h header file. If this adjustment is
done, then the patch will be IMHO good enough to be pushed into
pixman git (unless other people have objections).

You can wait maybe a day (so that more people have a chance to
comment) and then send a v2 version of the patch. Thanks!

Will do!  Thanks for the feedback.


Dr Peter Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk>
Pixman mailing list

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