* Yaroslav Halchenko <deb...@onerussian.com> [100815]:
> On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Valentin Haenel wrote:
> > > diff M...B
> > I am not sure i understand. M...B shows all commits reachable from M and B, 
> > but
> > not from both.
> no -- that should show differences introduced in B on top of M (mention
> number of the dots)

Here is an excerpt from the manpage for git rev-parse:

       This set operation appears so often that there is a shorthand for it.
       "r1..r2" is equivalent to "^r1 r2". It is the difference of two sets
       (subtract the set of commits reachable from r1 from the set of commits
       reachable from r2).

       A similar notation "r1...r2" is called symmetric difference of r1 and r2
       and is defined as "r1 r2 --not $(git-merge-base --all r1 r2)". It is the
       set of commits that are reachable from either one of r1 or r2 but not
       from both.

So for three dots: if M and B have diverged it will show all commits that are 
unique to both
branches (reachable from either M or B) , but not those common to both branches
(not reachable from both).

For two dots: indeed it will show all commits unique to only B, i.e. those
introduced in B, but not yet merged into M.

Is this what you meant?


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