On 06/01/2008, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Hi Maintainer,

Hi Joerg,

> rejected, your debian/copyright points to the GPL symlink, but you
> have files licensed as GPLv2 only, ie. not with the "or any later"
> option. As the GPL symlink points to GPLv3 your copyright file is
> wrong. Please fix.

thanks, I'll sort that out.

> In your case thats the case for the license for the whole package, its
> v2 only.

Looks like COPYRIGHT.txt is a bit inconsistent since the
game/software/package is said in two paragraphs to be licensed under v2+
and then v2 only. I'm currently poking upstream about that.

> Next point:
> ---+++
> This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
> The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the author
> has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
> enhancements, or modifications.
> ---+++
> While we all know they mean the right thing - its still not free.  You
> arent allowed to use it, and in (C) stuff that means you simply arent
> allowed to use it, as by default everything not granted is just not
> there...

Hm, I thought it was OK because of tolua being in the archive, under the
very same terms. (And yes, I know about embedded code copies, but that's
not the point here.)

I guess that this latter deserves an RC bug?


Cyril Brulebois

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