At Wed, 5 Mar 2008 05:33:57 +1100, Trent W. Buck wrote:
> Upon further investigation, I find that torus-trooper uses 800x480 is
> told to (by -res), and if I tell my window manager to resize the
> window.
> The real cause of the problem is that torus-trooper claims to be a
> "transient" window (i.e. a popup dialog, not an application window):
>     WM_TRANSIENT_FOR(WINDOW): window id # 0x0
> My window manager makes normal windows full-screen, but gives
> transient windows the size they request -- in torus-trooper's case,
> this is apparently 640x480 (unless overridden by -res).
> So I think the it's wrong for torus-trooper to claim to be a transient
> window.  I've retitled the bug accordingly.

Well, torus-trooper does not directly use X, so this must be a bug in
libsdl. Do you have the same problem with other games? (For what it's
worth, I couldn't reproduce this locally.)

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