
On mer, 2007-12-19 at 23:44 -0600, Michael Johnson wrote:
> When I upgraded from 2.20.0-1 yesterday, quodlibet stopped working for me.
> It would generate the following error when starting from the command line:

> After digging around, I discovered that the bonobo.ui error was the  
> problem.
> It seems that the line
>    import gnome, gnome.ui
> is supposed to automatically load bonobo.ui. Unfortunately, it cannot, for
> some reason. This, in turn, kill quodlibet.
> Downgrading to python-gnome2 2.20.0-1 fixes the problem.

This could be caused by the missing dependency on python-pyorbit, but
only if it has been automatically removed from your system during the

Does 2.20.1-2 work for you?

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