On 10/31/23 14:19, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
On the issue of Feature Freeze we didn't get to unity.  Alpha is next week.  Beta is end of November.  Release candidate is January and final release end of February.  We discussed when a soft and hard feature freeze should be in those. We decided to make a list of features and review them individually although the details of this are a bit vauge to me so far.

My sense is we had general consensus that merge requests for new features which are already in flight and in an advanced state can be merged after the soft feature freeze, but before the hard feature freeze. But no new merge requests for Plasma 6.0 features can be opened after the soft freeze, unless they get an exception.

Does anyone disagree with this?

And while I'm here this discussion
https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-desktop/-/issues/52#note_676743 <https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-desktop/-/issues/52#note_676743> confirms version numbers remain the same and release frequency remains the same for now but should move to 6 monthly after we stabalise (as discussed with distros).



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