> > what's the reason that it will be removed after 10 minutes? wouldn't it
> be nice to have also an history? grouped by date and filters for type.
> After 10 minutes a notification is most likely outdated. Otherwise a
> status notifier (system tray icon) should be provided instead.  Also, they
> stay there indefinitely if the computer is idle so you don't miss any.

I know what you mean, but an history button or an setting in the plasmoid
settings would be nice. in addition plasma and kde love settings but if you
look at the plasmoids it's sometime like "why is there an config button,
when you only can add an shortcut".

> > I like it
> ‎
> Me too.

that's the reason I have a look at all plasmoids and there sizing. In
addition good scaling isn't that easy and if you have an usercase (sidebar)
it's easier.
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