
as plasma 5 is really polished now I'm searching for the last missing stuff
to finalize the UX behavior. Therefore I made a desktop review.


The Results are:
1. right click on the desktop show activities also when there is only one
activity, please make it visible when the user use activities and had there
more than one activity
2. give the user more posibilities for the right click some don't need
leave but need shutdown
3. desktop toolbox icons are to big (in my mind cause it's a drop down menu
and should be the same size than right click on the desktop 16px icons)
4. Show the same entries in desktop toolbox and right click on the desktop
5. what should we do with add panel you can only add panels with right
click on the desktop it's not possible on the desktop toolbox or the panel
burger menu. Would it be better to move the panels to the widget explorer,
than there are two entries for default panel and empty panel and via ghns
you can add more
6. Desktop Settings dialog remove layout dropdown menu from wallpaper to a
section layout
7. the layout section should be nr. 1 than wallpaper, mouse actions
8. layout can have layout: desktop, show the desktop toolbox, press and
hold wigets AND Show Information tooltip (which is in a kcm now)
9. add look and feel, screen edges and desktop effects (kcm's) to the
desktop settings dialog cause they are desktop settings. but have them also
in system settings
10. tweaks is than layout
11. remove the panel options when click on a panel widget show only the
widget related stuff (widget settings, alternatives) so you can't delete
the panel when you are at a specific widget.
12. panel options are at the burger menu
13. make the desktop grid bigger to make it easier to resize widgets to the
same size

Andreas Kainz
Plasma-devel mailing list

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