colomar added a comment.

  The only raison d'ĂȘtre for "double-click to open" is to be able to select on 
single click. If selecting is not possible (as is the case both in the panel 
and in a desktop containment), there is no reason for opening only on 
double-click (other than consistency with Windows, but an icon widget in a 
Desktop containment is not the same as an icon on the Windows desktop, because 
the Windows desktop behaves like our folderview containment, not like our 
desktop containment).
  Therefore, I am clearly against this patch in general. Trying to make things 
in a desktop containment kinda sorta behave like a folderview will only 
introduce more inconsistency and confusion than it prevents.

  rPLASMAWORKSPACE Plasma Workspace



To: davidedmundson, #plasma, mart
Cc: colomar, broulik, plasma-devel, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, 
abetts, sebas

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