mart added a comment.

  In D17211#367573 <>, @ngraham wrote:
  > The Layout and Wallpaper Type comboboxes should open on press, not on 
  ah, that needs a fix in qqc2-desktop-style.. i can hack the open on down, 
tough for combox and menus in particular, is not possible at all the pattern 
press, open the subpopup, move the mouse to select, release and trigger the 
menu item. It's a long time that i think how to solve that, but it's a very 
complicated problem :/
  tough the open on press is done now
  > The Positioning combobox shouldn't be so much much wider than the other 
comboboxes; the text of the longest item doesn't seem long enough to cause such 
a long width.
  yeha, is a bit difficult as
  > Is changing the wallpaper plugins button even necessary for this patch? If 
you think it is, instead of making the wallpaper plugin button icons-only, can 
we move it to the bottom row with the other GHNS button?
  the button was already there and was quite messy with long texts (very long 
in english, doesn't fit to the whole window width in german) in that case for 
now i find it cleared near the combobox
  > Either way, this patch now fixes so please add:
  >   BUG: 401472
  >   FIXED-IN: 5.15.0

  R119 Plasma Desktop


To: mart, #plasma, #vdg, broulik, ngraham
Cc: ngraham, apol, plasma-devel, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, 
ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, mart

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