mart added a comment.

  In D18716#404852 <>, @ognarb wrote:
  > Interesting, but I have some question before I start implementing.
  > - Do you have an example for a left action?
  right now only web browsers url bars come to mind, so perhaps not important 
yet to add, (just to be tought of so can be added in the future should the need 
  > - Should the buttons only be visible when the text is not empty? Or can 
this behavior also be configurable with a property?
  should be configurable i think: a clear action should only be visible when 
there is text, instead a filter icons, or the show password action should 
probably be always there.

  R169 Kirigami


To: ognarb, apol, #kirigami, ngraham, mart
Cc: broulik, mart, apol, ngraham, plasma-devel, dkardarakos, davidedmundson, 

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