* prograss with Plasma Mobile on librem5
* here is video of Plasma Mobile running 
on Librem 5

Kai Uwe:
- PowerDevil now sets KAboutData (got lost in kde4→kf5 port) so it shows up 
properly in DrKonqi
-- sitter found a race when using KCrash AutoRestart with KDBusService Unique:
-- basically app restarts, finds the DBus service still held by the now 
defunct crashed instance, quits
- Fixed Colors KCM color scheme editor modality

* Mostly been helping other people on so many reviews. Not finished a lot :/
* some own diffs: D19029, D18922
* In terms of plans for the week. I have to finish: libkworkspace2, 
kwindowsystem shadows and fixing XDG configure events on kwin

* I'd been busy in code reviews and Bugzilla.
*  Currently I learn libdrm and libgbm

What I did:
* Pushed the XWayland DND patch set. Please test the functionality on master 
and tell me if you encounter problems. 
 Diff 15627 "[xwl] Drag and drop between Xwayland and Wayland native clients" 
* Pushed a fix for Shm textures. 
 Diff 18453 "Reload Shm texture when buffer size changes" [Closed] https://
* Updated my wayland backend rework with multi-output support: 
 Diff 18465 "[platforms/wayland] Multi output support" [Needs Review] https://
* AbstractOutput taking over the world such that we can remove Screens class 
later on: D19199 D19207 D19208 (note that with these patches and the wayland 
backend rework all backends now use AbstractOutput)
 Diff 19199 "[platforms/fbdev] Port to AbstractOutput" [Needs Review] https://
 Diff 19207 "[platforms/x11/windowed] Port to AbstractOutput" [Needs Review]
 Diff 19208 "[platforms/x11/standalone] Port to AbstractOutput" [Needs Review]
* Created tasks to define input-output usage patterns (IOUP). Basically an 
high-level concept to describe the device setup KWin and Plasma is run by 
(smartphone vs desktop vs tv setup).
* Inspected a focus issue on multi-output setups in XWayland: D19253 David has 
a better patch for that though I want to see merged in the next few days.
 Diff 19253 "[WIP] Send xdg_output done event only when wl_output does too" 
[Needs Review]
* SDL2 patch for fixing semi-windowed BPM on game exit:
ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/4313#issuecomment-466677145 (see also
* Fix for Steam BPM and potentially other XWayland clients not regaining 
focus: D19262
 KDE bug 359327 in kwin (general) "Exiting game a in Steam Big Picture Mode 
gets semi-windowed BPM" [normal,UPSTREAM]
 Diff 19262 "Delayed focus updates for Toplevels without surface" [Needs 
What I want to do now:
* Continue work on the IOUPs and add some class structure for it in KWin + a 
minimal Wayland protocol.
* Look into how to remove Screens class.
* The AbstractOutput/waylad backend multi-output reviews need to move forward 
so I can work on the Screens removal task.

* I did write two patches for the Task Manager and libtaskmanager respectively
* Fixing regression two different bugs for regressions from the new VD code
* One of them still needs some revision going by tester feedback

* Finishing up the pagerow c++ rewrite, ready to land
* some bug fixing
* Another go at the virtual keyboard positioning: D18818 (really need help on 
that, for a first even just a review, is kinda stuck there, this week i'll 
probably kidnap someone to figure out things)

Marco Martin

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