I'm the webmaster of Project Gutenberg and I'm about to install the plucker distiller on the PG website. The idea is to have people download a ready-made plucker pdb instead of requiring them to run the distiller on the appropriate ebook file.

There's a LOT of tools out there that do this, in varying degrees of success. Some are public, some are not. I've been mirroring the entire Gutenberg archive for awhile, and been doing automated conversions of the texts to Plucker, using various tools I've thrown together, but mostly for my own use and some private redistribution.

I'm going to replace the text/plain parser with a custom one that will (try to) parse chapter heads, italics etc. out of the plain text.

I'd be interested to see how you solve the context issue that has been brought up on the pg lists over the last year or so. Its a very complicated issue, and to date, nobody has solved it without trying to reinvent the base PG text format into something different.

David A. Desrosiers

plucker-dev mailing list

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