On Sat, Jun 17, 2006, Alexander R. Pruss wrote:
> I wonder if it would be very hard to port the C++ parser (what is its 
> status anyway?) to PalmOS?  If not, it would be a lovely addition to 
> Plucker Viewer for those of us who have Internet connected Palms.

I think the biggest problem would be the lack of memory in a Palm. I
could be wrong, but I think the C++ parser is just as much of a memory
hog as the python parser, i.e. it would not be an "easy" port.

Still, if you have an Internet connected Palm then why not just access 
the site directly? When converting it to a Plucker format you would not
only have to wait until it is finished, but you would also download
content you might never care about. On the other hand, Plucker
converted content could be more readable since it adjust the text and
images for the smaller screen (the browser in the Tungsten C is a PITA
sometimes when the content is hard-coded for a much larger screen).


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