> Well, that link does the same thing.

        It seems to work fine here in my browser, no UserAgent faking going
on at the moment, but you could turn on JunkBuster, and add the UserAgent to
walk your way past it if you wanted, or hack it into the Plucker parser if
you so desired. I talked about this on the SiteScooper and Plucker lists
about a year ago when this started happening. In your /etc/junkbuster
configuration, add the following:

        user-agent Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; AvantGo 3.2)

        Then stop and restart JunkBuster, and you should be able to get to
it in a browser, if you set your local proxy per the JunkBuster docs.

> I'm starting to get a little mad over Avantgo's tactics.  Sounds a
> little like microsoft, requiring 3rd parties to use their proprietary
> system.

        I have many more war stories with AvantGo than I can legally share
in a public forum, but believe me, your anger pales in comparison to my own,
and I've bene dealing with their "tactics" for nearly 4 years now. They've
now resorted to forcing people to use https when going to their website to
select, subscribe, browse content. There's only one reason for that, and
it's not to protect the user. Can you guess what it is?

> I've had a few of my favorite sites go down like this (Avantgo access
> only).  Personally, I think plucker's offline html techniqe is better,
> who needs 500k of code on their palm when less than 100k will pretty
> much show the same results?

        I should put up an AvantGo vs. Plucker shootout page sometime. Let's
go over some of the high-level points:

        1.  Plucker has two forms of compression (zlib/doc), AvantGo
            does not.
        2.  Plucker supports 10 languages, AvantGo does not.
        3.  Plucker supports local files (file://tmp/foo.txt) and intranet
            (including https://) content, AvantGo does not.
        4.  Plucker supports runtime image scaling via the parser
            ([alt]maxwidth, [alt]maxheight), AvantGo does not.
        5.  Plucker is an 85k footprint on the Palm, AvantGo 4.0 is 399k,
            without content.
        6.  Plucker supports Gestures, Autoscroll, Tap Navigation, and
            Hardware button configuration options, AvantGo does not.
        7.  Plucker is free and open source, under the GNU General Public
            License, AvantGo is not.
        8.  Plucker uses an openly-documented data structure format, AvantGo
            does not.
        9.  Plucker works on 11 platforms, 5 operating systems (with varying
            degrees of difficulty), AvantGo supports 1.5 OS' (Windows, and
            "almost" Macintosh).
        10. Plucker does not "restrict" what websites can do with their own
            content, AvantGo does.
        11. Plucker supports multiple instances of the same content (NYTimes
            with images, NYTimes with color, NYTimes without images) loaded
            at the same time, AvantGo does not.
        12. You can beam your Plucker content to another Plucker user,
            with AvantGo you cannot.
        13. Plucker offers 5 font choices, AvantGo offers 2.

        ...the list goes on and on.

        Remind me, why are people using AvantGo again?

        We do all this in 85k of space on the Palm (ok, + SysZLib.prc,
another 31k) and we do so many more things. Those were just the top 13 I
could think of off the top of my head.  AvantGo is closed, proprietary,
slow, bloated, less-featured, restrictive, and insecure. Some of their
developers are also lurking on these lists, and you can be sure they're
listening to us.

        Just my 0.02c.


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