Slashdot changed their HTML again, which broke the hourly pluck of
the site, using AvantSlash from Richard Lawrence. I emailed Richard, and he
has updated his mainline code, and released a new update.

        For those that don't know, there is an hourly plucking of Slashdot
that happens on the server, and creates a single Plucker database. It's been
working for months, until recently (thanks to all who reported the problem).

        Also, the Wall Street Journal is plucked daily, and also resides on
the server, same URL (non-browsable):

        Also (thanks to David Wheeler for the notification) the Linux
Documentation Project now provides all their HOWTO documents in Plucker
format as well. You can find them at the following location under the
Additional HOWTO Items:


        The second url appears to have had it's permissions changed, it
worked the other day, and now throws an error. I'll send them an email and
see what happened.

        If anyone else has some sites they'd like me to make available on
the server hourly, daily, whatever, please let me know in a private email.

        Have a great week everone!


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