greetings I'm interested too in the HandEra fullscreen capability because
I'm getting
a new one in a couple of weeks, if I wasn't an international customer I'd
lend it to the project so that part of the code could be finished. If I get
to read the code and understand what's missing when I get my HandEra I'll
give it a try (although I've never progged for PalmOS :-) )

I've read that HandEra support isn't consolidated because no one intensely
involucrated in the project has one, so any new HandEra buyer PLEASE LEND
YOURS before you get it, so we can enjoy the extraordinary 320x240 features

thx to anyone out there reading this

Carlos R
----------- Mensaje Original --------------
De: Eric Olsen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Para: Michael Nordström [[EMAIL PROTECTED]], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: Re: Tap Action/Left Scroll Bar Bug
Fecha: 23/02/2002 23:06:10

On 23 Feb 2002 at 21:04, Michael Nordström wrote:

> I did find a problem that made the left scrollbar 7 pixels too 
> "wide". I have fixed that in CVS. Hopefully, we will be able
> to release a first beta version of 1.2 next week. For the impatient ones
> I have put a pre-beta version of the viewer at
> Please remember to backup any important data before you try this
> version, though. 

Hmm, I had somehow gotten the impression that the new version would support
the Handera, 
but I see this pre-beta does not (except in center mode or upper-left mode,
like previous 
versions).  Is support for the handera hi-res screen, or at least
scale-to-fit mode planned for 


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