Title: RE: New to Plucker [using Imagemagick]

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 9:10 AM
> To: Greg Martz
> Subject: RE: New to Plucker [using Imagemagick]
> Regarding ImageMagick on Windows:
> You should only need to set "convert_program" in plucker.ini
> to establish the path to the ImageMagick convert.exe program.
>  The extra options in "convert_program_parameter" are helpful
> for sharpening lines, but the default setting should work fine. 

Did you make these changes in the "main" plucker.ini file or the one for the database itself?

> The other two options, "bmp_resize_program" and
> "bmp_resize_program_parameter" are only used by the patch
> described in the "Better Image Processing..." thread
> mentioned in Anthony's message.
> (Plucker probably complains if this patch isn't installed and
> you try to set these two options)

I am assuming that there is no real difference between the "main" plucker.ini file and each database's plucker.ini file.  By that I mean that any valid command can go into either file; the only difference is scope and precedence.  I am assuming that something in the DB's file will have higher precedence than the something in the "main" file (i.e. if both files have the same parameter but with different values, the value used in the DB file will overwrite the value read from the "main" file).  Is this correct?

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