Title: Bug: Plucker doesn't ignore commented URLs!

I have been plucking a site and noticed that one of his links was bad ("not found" error when plucking) so I reported it to him.  He said he had commented out that bad link months ago but removed it so I wouldn't see the error any more.  Is plucker smart enough to figure out it is inside an html comment and just throw that content away without consideration?  If so, there is a bug; if not, there is a hole!  Let me know if you need more info and I'm sure I can have the guy put the html back the way it was.  This is a big problem because it may download an entire web page that it shouldn't and seriously bloat the page.  The only reason I noticed it is because the commented out link happens to also be a bad link.  Some of you/us may be lugging around severely bloated PDBs without any knowledge that inaccessible content is attached!

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