> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Nordstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 2:04 PM
> To: Plucker Development List; Plucker List
> Subject: New beta
> I have put a new beta at http://www.sslug.dk/~micke/plucker/beta/
> Fixed bugs:
>   - the crash for documents with images on devices running an
>     older OS than 3.5
>   - the crash when the last openned document has been moved from
>     RAM to an external card

"Curiouser and curiouser", said Alice.

I downloaded and hotsynced the new beta.

Invoked it after hotsync, and it failed with the SystemMgr.c error I
reported previously and I had to reset.

Invoked after reset, it came up fine in the document I was reading last.
Exit the document and it crashed while undating the category display, with
the screen displaying what looked like barcode.

A little experimentation let me reproduce it.  I run a Desk Accessory called
DepthDA, which allows you to reset your default screen depth.  I use it to
reset the screen depth on my Visor Pro to 4 bits.  It works fine in
everthing else (and I note Plucker has a different default icon 9in 4 bit
mode).  For whatever reason, it upsets Plucker.

If you want to look at it, DepthDA is available at
http://www.sra.co.jp/people/hoshi/palmos/depth_da-1.0.zip.  Source is

> Other changes:
>   - the tap "sensitivity" when using mode 3 for the Tap Actions
>     has been changed
>   - it scrolls one line instead of one pixel when using the the
>     scroll arrows

Yes!  Thank you!

> /Mike

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