
Isn't the two Re: indicators an artifact of the thread having started on
the old list? Normally it would just go to "Re: [plucker-list] ..." and
stay that way, wouldn't it?

Anyway, I'm happy to remove the list tags if there is consensus to do
so. I personally like it, which is why I did it, but it's just cos I'm
lazy and havent set up procmail yet! :)

Thoughts anyone?


On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 02:49, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>       Unrelated topic, but I needed to reply to this message to see if
> this was still a problem...
>       Look in the Subject line. Note the "Re: [list] Re:"  syntax there.
> After several replies to replies, the subject will get knocked off the line.
>       I vote to remove the [plucker-foo] from the Subject field.  It's a
> configurable option in Mailman, and I've done it on all of my lists for the
> same reason.
>       Just a suggestion...
> d.
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