Larry K. Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want to post this to the list that's ok by me.  I got flamed by one =
> of the developers because of the automatic signature my mail system adds to=
>  my email, so I don't post to the list anymore.

I think you are fixing a symptom, not the problem.  These automatic footers
(which are not signatures because they do not obey the normal conventions
for signatures) often contain verbose clauses which have little legal
effect.  As you seem to have found, it does your company more harm than good
in the damage to its reputation for running such an ill-behaved email

Anyway, can anyone name one case where these legalese footers have prevented
a company in your country being sued in court over email content?  In the
UK, there has been at least one case where they were successfully sued
despite having one of these footers.  Email me offlist, please.

Sorry all for going OTT OT.


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