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> We keep our firm's internal phone directory on the intranet as an HTML
> table (generated as an .ASP but easily plucked), and am currently
> trying/testing/comparing iSilo vs. Plucker for our attorneys to have easy
> mobile access to the directory.

        Why not just export the directory to CSV, and import it into Palm
Desktop/Outlook/whatever directly? At my last job, Rasmus and I had built a
php script (well, he did the php, I did the Palm code) that just dumped our
company intranet phone directory/skills database from LDAP into a CSV
formatted for import into Palm devices. I used pilot-addresses from the
pilot-link suite of tools (which I maintain) to import the list, others did
it with Outlook on their Windows desktops. That's just one idea, but let's
try to solve your issue with Plucker..

> I'm using Plucker viewer 1.2beta13 on my Visor Platinum and Plucker
> Desktop for Windows v. (build Sept. 28, 2002).

        Why not try the latest 1.2 stable release, from the main Plucker
website, instead of the beta you currently are running? It may solve some
issues you have with speed and adds some new features.

> 1) Problem:  I've configured both iSilo and Plucker so that the long HTML
> table is rendered in a single table on the Palm, separated by lines
> between fields (which is so much easier to read than horizontal table
> scrolling).  In iSilo, the table is a single long page which makes it easy
> and fast to search and scroll through.

        Having never used iSilo, I can't comment. Can you take some
screenshots of what it looks like for us and put them on the web where we
can see them, or send them to me/the list directly? (assuming they're fairly
small of course)

> In Plucker, it seems to be breaking it into a number of sections or pages,
> which while searchable, adds more hoops to jump through (can't just scroll
> through it, and the search option in the viewer has to be set to search
> all pages).  And I noticed that Plucker has a very noticeable delay while
> reading/rendering the partial pages/sections (several seconds at least),
> whereas iSilo does not.

        How large is this data? Where is it stored? If you're using this on
an external storage Springboard module (notoriously slow memory media), then
the delay is expected. On Palm and Sony handhelds (m5xxx and Clie devices),
the access to external storage media is much much faster. A possibility.

        If you mean that Plucker breaks the page into 64k sections, that's
because of a PalmOS limitation, not a Plucker limitation. Other applications
use hackish workarounds to get around it, by "reading-forward" into the next
bit of data, and displaying it "seamlessly" in the same view you see on your
screen. We don't do that.

> Q:  In the interest of keeping this drop-dead simple to use (attorneys
> aren't famous for being tech whizzes, although we have a few good
> mavericks in the mix), is there any way to have it plucked as a single
> long document?

        No, not if it exceeds 64k in size.

> I realize this may add to the performance hit, but I still need to try it
> for comparison.  Also, is there any way to minimize the performance hit on
> the Palm viewer while rendering?

        How about splitting it up alphabetically into separate pages, each
linked from the top "Table of Contents" bar on each page, something like:

        Tap to jump to.. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] ...

        and so on, where each letter in brackets is a hyperlink to a.html,
b.html and so on, which contains the names of people who begin with that

> Q:  However, is there an option for installing/syncing plucked docs
> *directly* to the SM card?  (Some of our attorneys also have the newer
> Palms with the SD card slot and this would benefit them as well.)
> Otherwise, it has to take up the PDA's RAM and requires a manual copy to
> the card.

        Sounds like a Palm Desktop/Hotsync Manager problem. Isn't there a
way to get HotSync manager to put files on the card at install time? I know
Palm Desktop 4.1 has this ability. I'm not sure what Handspring provides in
this space. Maybe it's some sort of registry poke. This thread may help:


> Thanks in advance, all replies greatly appreciated.  This will really help
> my analyis of which offline HTML/doc reader will best fit our needs, iSilo
> or Plucker.

        If you could obfuscate the names/phone numbers in your list and send
me a raw sample, I can work with it and come up with some possible solutions
for you.

> P.S. Bonus question:  Besides the nice list of links in the Plucker
> materials, where can one find the various Palm-formatted and
> AvantGo-formatted versions of mainstream web sites, ready for the
> Plucking? ;^)

        I've been collecting them for quite some time, and decided to put my
list online awhile ago. You can find it on http://openurls.plkr.org/

        Please don't just snarf the list of urls from the site. We all
appreciate contributions, and a simple way to say thanks is to contribute
some back, or to help sort some of the sites found in the "Unsorted"
categories, so others can benefit.


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