On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 03:03:19PM -0800, Anthony Schellenberg wrote:
> I hadn't noticed until today, that there was a newer hires version
> of plucker on hires.plkr.org (I was currently using the 20021124
> version with no problems.  After installing the 20030110 version,
> launching Plucker resulted in a DnWriteCheck crash. After restarting
> my Sony T615 popped up the "unrecognized Format" dialog asking if I
> wished to reformat.  I hit cancel, but now I see that everything on
> my 16mb memorystick has been wiped out.

Bahh.. Uhm.. That's odd. It sounds as though while it was enumerating
your memory stick, something did something bad. I know that generally
its a bad idea (and may produce similar results) if you remove the MS
while reading/writing to it, but there shouldn't be anything in
plucker that's doing that.

> I had 2 plucker files on the card, most of them in main memory.  I
> still cannot launch plucker, even after using the cleaner utility.
> I'll have to revert and try and figure out what was all on the card
> that I now need to reinstall.

If you were to delete plucker entirly from your device (be sure you
have a backup of your documents ofcourse) then reinstall it from
scratch, does it still fail to start?

What kind of error messages do you get when you 'still cannot launch
plucker'? Does it just quit silently? or reset?

> Anyone else have a problem like this?  It's been out for
> a while and I haven't seen mention of problems, not even mention of
> an upgraded version until something I read today.  Thanks.

I havn't heard of any other problems like this from anyone. Atleast
not in the order and method as you describe.

If you can get everything back up and running again (by turfing
plucker and installing the newest version fresh), I would encourage
you to try to recreate the problem and see if you can break it again.

If it's something that can be reproduced, it should be easy for me to
recreate the problem here and fix it.

Adam McDaniel
Calgary, AB, Canada
plucker-list mailing list

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