> > There was a patch kindly written for this, including additions to the
> > commandline for no alt image tags if not a link, but it seems to not be on
> > the net anywhere anymore before it could get into CVS. Does anyone have a
> > copy of it?
>       It this what you seek?
>       http://mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01692.html

That is a good discussion of it, and has the single line fix. In the fall of 2002, 
Tony had a 
patch that gave it a commandline and .pluckerrc/plucker.ini file interface for it 
also. I think 
it was this thread which was also about stayondomain:

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01733.html

But the linked page with parser changes is no longer on the internet (not on google 
cache or 
the wayback machine either).

Best wishes,
plucker-list mailing list

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