>     When I upgraded(?) to Python 2.2.2, I ran into the "failed to generate
> a home document" problem. This has been discussed a bit on the list.
>     The problem is with urlparse.urlunparse. They drastically changed the
> way it works in 2.2.2. So how about we use the replacement already in
> Url.py currently used for 'file' on windows? If we use that for 'plucker'
> and 'file' protocol in all cases, all versions of python will have the
> old behavior.
> Like so...

Sounds great. Can this be placed into the CVS head?
There was a post (by I think Holger?) in the last few weeks that had a similar type of 
to fix the problem. I think the text had something like "that's one times too many" 
for this 

Best wishes,
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