I'd like to convert PDFs for Plucker viewing on my ancient HandSpring PDA.

In the list archives, I found the pdftopdb shell script posted by Dan Stromberg as a followup to an earlier post by Jaime Alberto Silva. Thanks to both for sharing your work on this.

I'm trying to use the script on a Mac OS X machine. The initial batch of conversions using pdftoppm appears to work fine, but then the script wants to call `plucker-build' . At this point it fails because, as far as I can tell, the Plucker installation on my machine doesn't include anything of that name.

I used the .dmg installer for Mac OS X found on the Downloads page, and I'm pretty sure the installation ran as it should. I have been able to capture HTML from websites and local files, copy it over to my PDA, and view it.

Can someone confirm whether this ought to have put plucker-build on my machine - and if so, what pathname should it show up in? Alternatively, please let me know if I need to do some some additional installation to get hold of plucker-build.

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