WOW, look at all the responses!

So, I run win 7 Pro. This "cifs" thing looks like the way to go. But I'm a bit cloudy. Is CIFS being used as a transport mechanism to and from the network even though i'm "mounting" it?

and NFS would NOT be usable in this case... right?

What I need is some directories on each machine to be visible to every other machine, _*and*_ one directory in ALL machines visible to ONE.

on 10/18/2012 07:57 AM, Matt Graham wrote:
From: Kevin Fries
But on the Linux machines, make sure smbfs is installed.  This will
allow the Linux boxes to simply mount the samba share the same way
it mounts NFS.
smbfs is deprecated and should not be used.  Its replacement is cifs.  Like

mount -t cifs //BORG/SHARE /mnt/borg -o domain=WORKGROUP,user=JOEBOB

...will find the share SHARE on the machine BORG and attempt to mount it on
mountpoint /mnt/borg using the user JOEBOB from domain WORKGROUP.  It'll ask
you for a password if one's required.  You may be able to leave the domain=
off if your 'Doze network doesn't use domains.

IME, NFS is faster than Samba, which may be something to think about.

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