On Wed, 20 Jul 2011, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   My first attempt at creating a dot file and while it compiles it 
> does not display as I would like it to. I've read the various docs 
> on graphviz and the dot language but am missing what I need to make 
> the diagram correct. [....]

My reply is not an answer to your question, but merely an appreciation 
that you asked it. I happened to be in the throes of documenting an 
upcoming network change and was casting about for tools to produce the 
"before" and "after" diagrams.

I used www.gliffy.com, which produced some beautiful diagrams, but I 
realized that modifying them was often a non-trivial process. Plus, 
there's a lot of overlap between the two diagrams and I wanted 
something like code reuse. :-)

The dot language (which I'd previously never encountered) was just the 
ticket! The mere mention of it was all I needed to get started. 
Recompiling modifications is very quick, and copying items between the 
two diagram files is simple.


Paul Heinlein <> heinl...@madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/
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