On Thu, 28 Jul 2011, Michael R wrote:

Google for
    openssl pfx

And the top hit is
Plug's own (if we can claim him) Paul Heinlein's madboa Openssl command-line HOWTO.

Just what you need for secure key mangling.


The man pages for the various subcommands available via the openssl binary have improved tremendously since the first version of that article went online seven years ago.

OTOH, I know that the openssl binary was originally intended to be nothing more than an example of how to use the various features of the OpenSSL libraries. It wasn't intended to be the nearly indispensible utility it has become, which may help to explain the originally marginal documentation that accompanied it.

Still, it can be hard to figure out exactly which man page to consult for various tasks. The openssl package that ships with CentOS 6 includes 53 man pages. (That's not the openssl-devel package, just the base package!) So a cookbook-style article is still worthwhile, even if the man pages now to many more how-to examples than they did back in 2004.

Paul Heinlein <> heinl...@madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/
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