Setting up the ThinkPad T430 brings me to reviewing my network's ssh
configuration. I found a Slackware script that hides the accepted ssh port
number while rejecting all others, including 22.

The example script includes:
# First, set SSHD back to the default port 22.
# Next, figure out what port or ports you want to do SSH over.
# Were going to use 99, 88, and 8889 here.
# Now we take care of the Hypothetical Evil Unprivileged User
# by not accepting anything over those ports in the first place.
# This is only effective for port 8889 but well do all three ports for the
# sake of completeness.  
/usr/sbin/iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 99,88,8889 
-j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset

Why use three port numbers if only the last one will be valid?



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