> Subject: Re: [PLUG] Radio silence since Apr 16
> On 4/23/24 10:02, Paul Heinlein wrote:
> >Is this list dead? Neither my inbox nor the online archives show
> >any traffic since April 16.

On the subject of "no traffic":

This isn't PLUG or Linux, and it might belong in plug-talk,
but it IS the most audacious, humongous, glorious,
ULTRA-long distance debug session and clever code hack:

Restoring NASA's Voyager 1 to operability.


Voyager 1 is 24 billion kilometers from Earth, 160 times
farther from the Sun than Earth is, three times farther
than Pluto.  

Voyager 2 is still doing well, but Voyager 1 went radio 
silent on November 14, 2023.   "No Traffic".

Using early 1970s technology, custom CMOS chips and 7400
series Texas Instruments TTL, the three Voyager 1 computers
and their 32K bytes of shared memory are a space-grade
distant cousin to the first computer I wired for myself
with equally primitive chips.  JPL did a much better job,
of course.

The Problem: a memory interface chip in Voyager 1's Flight
Data Subsystem failed, so some code and data memory became
unavailable.  The remaining memory kept Voyager 1 oriented
and taking data and listening to Earth, but aphasic, unable
to format and transmit data to distant receivers on Earth. 

The JPL team fault-treed their way to the defect, designed
new software with workarounds, and uploaded it.  The team
is still tweaking and upgrading the code, but Voyager 1
is talking to Earth again.  Therapy continues.

NASA announced their success on Monday April 22; I just
heard about it.

Keith L.

Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com

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