On Fri, 17 May 2024, American Citizen wrote:


Has anyone had their system locale setting changed after downloading a kernel update from one of the common linux distros?

I had an upgrade to my openSuse Leap 15.5 and somehow the locale setting got changed to en_US.utf8.

I went to do a grep on a set of files and then everything went super slow. I guessed that it was the locale setting and checked and sure enough, it had changed from "C" to "en_US.utf8"

Just curious if this is happening to others after a kernel update?

Perhaps. Are you sure that there weren't also updates to the shell you're using? That is, perhaps /etc/profile or its moral equivalents were updated as well.

I personally only want old-school "C" settings for sorting, so I do something like this in my shell config files (.bashrc at work, .zshrc at home):

export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_COLLATE="C"

Paul Heinlein
45°22'48" N, 122°35'36" W

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