or 'How to work with a .tar.gz distribution
as easily as (or actually, easier than) an rpm)'

Works with the majority of autoconf-enabled source 

1. Create the package creation directory

# mkdir -p /pkgcreate/usr/local

2. Unpack the source distribution, configure it
   then compile.

# tar -zxvf foobar-a.b.c.tar.gz
# cd foobar-a.b.c
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
# make

3. 'Install' the created files in the package
   creation directory.

# make install prefix=/pkgcreate/usr/local

4. Build the tarball package

# cd /pkgcreate
# makepkg foobar-a.b.c-i686-1.tgz
(usually follow the suggestions to create symbolic 
links via the script and to NOT change ownership
attributes of the files)

5. Presto you have your tarball package! Stow it
away for safekeeping.

# mv foobar-a.b.c-i686-1.tgz /your-directory-of-choice
(I use /root/createdSlackwarePackages)

# cd /root/createdSlackwarePackages
# installpkg foobar-a.b.c-i686-1.tgz

Removing it is as clean and easy as 

# removepkg foobar-a.b.c-i686-1

Note: removepkg will not delete any files that you
have modified.

Don't forget to 

# cd /pkgcreate
# rm -r *

to clean up the package creation directory for use
next time.

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