On 5/11/21 2:36 PM, Bill Barry wrote:
On Tue, May 11, 2021, 4:24 PM Dick Steffens <d...@dicksteffens.com> wrote:

On 5/11/21 2:17 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Tue, 11 May 2021, Dick Steffens wrote:

Is there a recommended too or procedure for logging how much data I
use while hosting a Zoom meeting? The meeting typically takes about
an hour and 20 minutes. I need to know how much "data" I use during
that meeting.

I know that the wireless telcos limit 'data' download (however that's
calculated) but have not seen where there's a data limit using a FiOS or
cable connection to the 'Net.
My purpose is collecting data so when I go to the wireless folks I'll
know about how much we'll be using each month (a 1-1/2 hour meeting
twice a week), and know what data plan will make sense when we set one
up for the building that has no phone or Internet connection, and
doesn't need either for anything else. I'm looking into a WiFi only
setup for my church.


Dick Steffens

You should test whatever your going to do before the meeting to see if it

Actually tomorrow's usage will be a test. I don't need the data before early June. But if I have time later today or during the day tomorrow, I'll try it and see what I get. Thanks for the recommendation.


Dick Steffens

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