peterw;187390 Wrote: 
> SaverSwitcher could pretty easily support "conditional" loading of
> screensavers. It could have a public API that this text reminder plugin
> could call with code like
> my $ssVersion = $Plugins::SaverSwitcher::Plugin::apiVersion;
> if ( defined($ssVersion) && ($ssVersion >= 2) ) {
> Plugins::SaverSwitcher::Public::registerPreUsageCheck($screensaverName,$coderef);
> }
> and before it activated a saver, it could call any registered $coderef
> for that particular saver (passing something like $client) to see if it
> should activate the saver, or skip to the next active saver. The
> $coderef would simply return 1 (true, use this saver) or 0 (false,
> nothing to announce, skip this saver).
> You could, for instance, set this text reminder screensaver as active
> for some number of seconds in some SaverSwitcher position and know that
> it would only display text if it had something to communicate.
> Sounds good to me

It might also be a good idea if the new "Announcement screen saver"
could offer the announcements as a title format, this way the
announcements could be displayed in other places, for example in the
upper row of the MusicInfoSCR screen saver.

peterw;187390 Wrote: 
> This sounds like a passive version of Felix Mueller's announcement
> script. For announcements like that, would a screensaver be agressive
> enough? I don't currently use a screensaver for "When Stopped" mode, so
> I'd only notice the announcements when the closest Squeezebox was Off or
> Playing music.It would work for me, for more critical announcements Felix 
> Mueller's
announcement script could be used instead. My SqueezeBox is in "Off" or
"Playing" mode most of the time, it is basically only in "When Stopped"
mode when I initially select which music to start to play.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
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