LMS worked very well with my Marantz NA6006 for a few years, but
unfortunately it appears that the bridge is crashing on start-up. As a
result no players are found in LMS. I am attaching part of the log.
Any suggestions?

Retarting Squeeze2upnp after crash:
-Z -I -f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/upnpbridge.log -d decode=debug -x
[21:33:52.974244] main:1725 Starting squeeze2upnp version: v2.1.4 (Dec
10 2022 @ 17:33:40)
[21:33:52.980428] register_alac:541 using alac to decode alc
[21:33:52.980672] register_mad:433 using mad to decode mp3
[21:33:52.980762] register_faad:647 using faad to decode aac
[21:33:52.980840] register_vorbis:346 using vorbis to decode ogg
[21:33:52.980909] register_pcm:339 using pcm
[21:33:52.980976] register_flac:313 using flac to decode flc
[21:33:52.981039] register_opus:286 using opus to decode ops
[21:33:52.981105] register_m4a_thru:308 using mp4 to aac (ADTS)
[21:33:52.981168] register_flac_thru:213 using flac
[21:33:52.981236] register_thru:107 using thru
[21:33:52.981300] register_soxr:391 using soxr for resampling
[21:33:52.981374] Start:1488 Binding to (http:0)
[21:33:53.060358] AddMRDevice:1402 [0x639910]: adding renderer (Marantz
NA6006) with mac BBBB-78A5FCCD
[21:33:53.066290] AddMRDevice:1407 [0x639910] unable to get protocol
info, set 
[21:33:53.070650] MasterHandler:1045 [0x639910]: subscribe success
[21:33:53.087673] decode_thread_init:168 [0x5b69f8]: init decode
[21:33:53.088438] resample_init:340 [0x5b69f8]: resampling sync recipe:
0x00, flags: 0x00, scale: 0.89, precision: 0.0, passband_end: 0.00000,
stopband_begin: 0.00000, phase_response: -1.0
[21:33:53.090210] slimproto:865 squeezelite [0x5b69f8] <=> player
[21:33:53.090659] slimproto:866 [0x5b69f8] connecting to
[21:33:53.091406] slimproto:896 [0x5b69f8] connected
[21:33:53.091575] sendHELO:134 [0x5b69f8] cap:

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