dodgeboy;276185 Wrote: 
> I'm running SS7.0 with version 5.5.0 of your plugin on Ubuntu Linux... 
> Upon installing the plugin, it shows up in the plugin list.  However,
> when I click settings, the page is blank.  I get the following error in
> the server.log file:
> Slim::Web::HTTP::_generateContentFromFile (2332) Error: file error - :
> not found
> Unfortunately the error doesn't tell me which file is not found.  I've
> tried chmodding the entire SuperDateTime directory to 777, so it isn't
> a permissions problem.  
> Any ideas?  Is there a way to put it in debug mode so I can see what
> file it's looking for?
> [EDIT]:  After looking through some of the scripts, I see references to
> SuperDateTime/settings/basic.html.  The settings folder was not included
> in the zip file of the v5.5.0 plugin I downloaded.  Where to I get it
> from?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave

Look here:


However, I get the same error, and when I try to access the settings in
the browser, the page comes up empty :-(

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