GoCubs;279966 Wrote: 
> Hi gang-
> Since a number of messages were asking about donations... I've gone
> ahead and added a PayPal donate link off of the main site page.  Put
> your $$$ where your mouth is!
> www.gregbrown.net
> Thanks
> Greg

Hi Greg.  I just sent you a $20 donation via PayPal.  The Sirius plugin
is incredible and it keeps getting better in SC 7.0!  Thanks for
continuing to support and update it!  I use the plugin just about
everyday and it has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of not only Sirius
but the Squeezebox, itself.

On a related subject, I noticed that the Sirius-XM merger just cleared
a major regulatory hurdle.  Do you anticipate that the plugin will
continue to work if/when the merger goes through?

Thanks again for all your hard work!

-- Bootzilla (aka Dan)

Bootzilla's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7961
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20621

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